Weekly Program
Weekly Church Service
Location: Worship Centre Chapel
Time: Sundays - 10:00 am
Your first visit? You are very welcome!
Please come as you are and make yourself comfortable in our new facility as we gather in worship experiencing the presence and power of the Holy Spirit moving in our midst.
- praise and worship singing backed by a great team of muso’s with contemporary and more traditional songs from around the world
- times for individual or corporate prayer for needs and points of thanks to God
- celebration of the Lord’s Supper weekly, with a short message and sharing in the elements of Communion
- sermon / talk shared by one of our pastors, leaders or a visiting speaker to encourage us no matter what age we are
- an offering to help the church and it’s various mission outreaches locally and globally... feel free here, but no obligation.
- morning tea - a time to connect after the service and periodically we will arrange lunch... you are invited!

Open Door
Time: Tuesdays - 10:00 am
Drop in for coffee, chat, and community
A warm invitation is extended for you to catch up with your friends, or with any of our team - all in a welcoming atmosphere.
Quality barista coffee, or tea is available with a (usually sweet) treat... for all who come by.
We seek to reach out to the community of South Gippsland, helping in some way with various life needs, practical and spiritual.
The kitchen will be busy as we prepare a light lunch to be shared around about noon. Enjoy!

Fellowship and Bible Study
Location: Worship Centre Foyer Thursdays - 10:00 am (School terms only)
Current Study: Revealing the Mysteries of God
Colossians 1:27 (NIV) - To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Brekkie for Blokes (Monthly)
When? Normally 8.00am last Saturday of the month
Location 85 Commercial St - see noticeboard in window or social media for more details.
- Look for the orange hot rod parked out the front when it’s on.
- Gold coin donation.
- A great time to get together, chill, eat bacon, drink coffee. Sometimes a guest speaker. Bring yer mates, it’s a tough world out there at times... we can all do with hope and some positive input.