Ever since we started in Korumburra in the 80’s, Southern Hills Church has always had a big heart for missions... the Great Commission as given by Jesus before he died (Matt 28:18-20).
We know that after He rose from death, He asked us to take the Good News - the Gospel message - to all the world.
Being actively involved in missions has for us included:
- several going personally - locally, across Australia or internationally
- helping practically and supporting financially others we know who go
- prayer for those who go
Here are some of those we are supporting:

David and Sue Healey and family
Sue was a member of our church in her early years after she graduated from university and came to teach near Korumburra. We have given key support throughout all their 20+ years working in Vanuatu.
About David and Sue: We were delighted to see the Maskelyne people receive God’s Word in their own language! In 2014 after sixteen years in Vanuatu, we celebrated the publication of the New Testament in both print and audio. Everyone has the book, and increasing numbers are asking for the audio version on MegaVoice players. An app for smart phones, combining print and audio, is now available, but distribution is a challenge. We are currently working with the translation team on Old Testament portions. Helping people to read and write, and encouraging people to use Scripture are also priorities. We long to see people’s lives transformed by the Spirit of God.

ACCI - Doug and Anna Boyle
We support ACCI world mission families in Brazil, S Africa, Guinea and for the past 15 years in Kazakhstan and Georgia, Central Asia support to Doug and Anna Boyle
Doug and Anna have been ACC Missionaries in Central Asia since 1991.
Together they established the first Christian Drug Rehab in the Soviet Union in 1995, Teen Challenge Kazakhstan, and the following year they established the Assemblies of God in Kazakhstan. Through these two ministries up to 80 churches have been planted from Israel to Western China!
In 2010, they moved to Georgia and since then they have planted a church and built a Teen Challenge Centre in Tbilisi. They have sent graduates from the Tbilisi Church and Rehab into Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran and Turkey and they are presently building a Leadership Training Centre in Batumi on the Turkish border to multiply that effect by sending more missionaries to the adjacent countries. In 2014 they planted Teen Challenge in Armenia.
See more of what they do here: https://www.acci.org.au/

Teen Challenge for 30+ years
Teen Challenge is a holistic faith based 12-month residential program that believes in helping people become mentally sound, emotionally balanced, socially adjusted, physically well and spiritually alive.
If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction you are not alone. There is hope to break the cycle of addiction.
Get help here: https://teenchallenge.com.au/
Good News Church, city of Drobetsa - Turnu - Severin, SW Romania, and their Hope for Romania charity arm.
Ps Mitica Geru and wife Aurelia, with their daughter Ramona and son in law Cris and their family.
We met these guys and their church in about 2005 and loved what they were doing over in the SW of Romania, reaching out and planting churches across their region. Many villages have been impacted spiritually and practically over the past 35 years. They have always had a huge heart for the Youth and Kids, reaching out to so many families who have lived in extremely difficult circumstances, now seeing the effect of the Gospel touching their lives and bringing positive change in so many ways.
Many of the youth we knew 20 years ago are still very connected with their own families as leaders and mentors across the region.

Max Wiltshire, AAOM (Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministry)
Max founded AAOM in the 1980’s. He’s a “real character”, now well into his 80’s, who has planted many aboriginal churches around Australia and worked tirelessly for the cause ever since.
Some of us have visited Max and Merioni on site in NT, and he certainly “walks the talk”. We have supported Max and the ministry for about 30 years.

Compassion Child Sponsorship
We have continued support as a church for 30+ years ensuring lives are helped, one at a time.

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child
Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse. It is a hands-on way for you to bless children in need across the world by filling shoeboxes with toys, hygiene items, school supplies, and fun gifts. We collect the boxes and distribute them in the name of Jesus Christ to children living in vulnerable situations.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Wycliffe Bible Translators
Wycliffe Bible Translators USA is an interdenominational nonprofit organization with a goal "for people from every language to understand the Bible and be transformed."
Reaching every heart with God's Word in every language.
Join the movement: https://www.wycliffe.org/